Facilities(cög trinh
obtain:dat den
project:du an
requires:doi hoi
compliance/ứg vjên
procedure/thu tuc
guideline/duog loi
specifications/thog so ki thuat
focus/diem nhan
regulations/quj tak
infrastructure/co so ha tang
pressure/quan tam den
consider/su bao ton
technical decision/quyet dinh mag tjnh ki thuat
principles/nguyen tac
issues/linh vuc
sensitive/nhay cam
expected/mog doj
private/tu nhan
seek/tjm kiem
leadership/su lanh dao
aspects/khia canh
willingness/su vuj log
adapt/chap nhan
especially/dac biet
element/yeu to
ignore/bo qua
career/nge ngjep
categories/pham tru
political/chjnh trj
social/xa hoj
challenging/thách thuk
involve/bao gom
satisty/hài lòg
stakeholder/cổ dôg
receptive/chap nhan
instead/thay cho
individual/dơn le
expert/chuyên ja
promoting/tjến cử
disastrous/thảm hoa
unless/tru khi
acquire/yeu cau
associated/thjc hơp
complex/phức tap
delays/tri trệ
exper/chuyên môn
admit/thừa nhận
describe/mô tả
mention/dề cap dến
adore/nguơng mô

Sau admint,deny,consider,describe,imagine,mention,suggest,recall,adore,detest,dislike,dread,enjoy,fancy,like,love,mind,resent,can't help, can't stand ,feel like, it's no good ,it's not worth ,it's no use
After must,might,shouldn't, let,make,see,feel,hear,smell,watch,
To infinitive
Sau the hien y dinh vd.to make,to see...
After fail,agree,choose,decide,expect,hope,refuse,intend,tend,learn, mean , offer,plan,promise, manage,long,try,wish,
allow,ask,get,help, invite,permit,tell,want ,advise,encourage,remind ,order,

pacman, rainbows, and roller s